Rabu, 28 September 2011

Release Wallhack Full Colour Part IV + No Recoil + Fullhack + BONUS DLLNya Updates 28 Sept 2011 ALl Windows

Downloads Cheat + DLL nya
Password : 

Tutor's ::
>Buka PB
>Taruh Semua File(BUKAN FOLDER) Downloadtan nya ke DESTOP
>Buka cheat
>Tekan inject
Fiture : 
>Full Wallhack ++ 9 Colour
>No Recoil
>Insert  = Menu
>Right Dirction = ON

Credit : 
VGM Rizky

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Special 1 Hit SG Gosong + Wallhack Updates tested Map New Dino Work 10000%

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads PassworD :

Fitur Hack

>1 Hit SG Gosong

Keys Hacks

>Caplock + Klik Kiri = 1 Hit SG Gosong
>Home                = Wallhack

NB :

-Sesama Citer JANGAN NUDUH!!
-Sesama Cheater Damai Damai Saja
-Gak Kuat Out /Pindah Room saja

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Release Simple Wallhack Chams + Crosshair (Buat Awp + SG) No BT Updates Special Malming

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads password  :

Fiture : 
[+]Simple Wallhack
[+]Simple Crosshair

Tutor : 
[+]Buka PB launcher
[+]Buka Cheat /Injectnya
[+]Masukan Password pada layar HITAMnya
[+]Jngan Close layar Hitam nya
[+]Start PB
[+]Automatic Inject
[+]Happy Cheating

Keys Hack
[+]Insert + Right Direction

Credit : 

Jumat, 23 September 2011

Release Auto On Wallhack + No smoke No BT Salama 3 Jam Lebih up to Date 23 Sept 2011Release Auto On Wallhack + No smoke No BT Salama 3 Jam Lebih up to Date 23 Sept 2011

Downloads Application hack : 
Downloads Password:

Fitur /Keys: 
-Wallhack AUto ON
-No Smoke/Tidak ada asap Auto On

Tutor : 
-Buka PB Launcher
-Buka Cheat/Injectnya
-Tekan inject
-Wh Auto On Suscces

Credit : 
VJ_Rival rahayu

Rabu, 21 September 2011

[New] Cheat 3 in 1(Gold,Kill all bos & Update daily task)| Ninja Saga [September 2011]

Tools :

Steps :
  1. Download  Fiddler & SWF
  2. Install Fiddler & Jalankan Fiddler
  3. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  4. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  5. Drag/jatuhkan SWF File ke kolom AutoResponder 
  6. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  7. Clear Cache browser
  8. Pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
  9. Play it!!!
  10. Masuk ke Academy dan Pilih Gold Cheat dan Tunggu Sampai Kamu Rasa Cukup
Fitur :
[*]Update Daily Task
[*]Auto kill all boss Boss di Hunting House
[*][NEW] Gold Cheat

[*]Untuk Cheat Gold kamu harus minimal Level 10, jika udah level 60 kamu akan mendapat 100 ribu gold tapi sayangnya ini hanya bisa 1 kali sehari jadi jika kamu main 10 hari kamu akan mendapat 1 juta Gold..
[*]Gabung juga ke grup

Updates Wallhack Chams + No Smoke upport All Windows Updates 21 Sept 2011

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads Password : 

Fiture : 
[-]Chams Wallhack
[-]No Smoke [ Coba lempar Smoke kamu ,,, tara gak ada asapnya]

Hotkeys : 
[-]-> : On
[-]<- : Off

[-]Cheat Ini bervirus loh,,,!!
[-]Tapi gak apa , Virus Tersebut Untuk memanipulasi hackshield PointBlank Indo Agar Work lama
[-]Sebaiknya main di warnet saja
[-]Kalau Main Di Rumah Install Deepreze Dulu saja , : 
[-]Nih Download Deeprezenya : Click Here
[-]Kalau Sudah download cit
[-]Buka PB
[-]Buka Cheat , Masukan passwrodnya
[-]Tekan inject

[-]Windows 7
[-]Windows Xp 2
[-]Windows Xp3
[-]Windows ista

Credit : 

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Cheat Dewa Aimbot / Cheat HEadshott + Cheat Ammo + Cheat No Recoil/Akuraasi 100% + Wallhack Updates sampai 18 Sept 2011

Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads password :

Fiture :

[-]Aimbot(Auto HS)
[-]AKurasi / No Recoil
[-]Wallshot Disabled
[-]Ammo Tidak terbatas

Hotkeys :

[-]Aimbot(Auto HS)      : F5
[-]AKurasi / No Recoil  : F2
[-]Wallshot Disabled
[-]Wallhack             : F11 (Pertama Automaticlly On)
[-]Ammo Tidak terbatas  : Auto ON

NB :

[-]Sesama Cheater Tidak Usah Saling Nuduh
[-]Jangan Main Vote Kick  Dan Coba adu cheat siapa yg menang
[-]Gak Jentel kalau main vote kik , apalagi kalau dirinya sndiri cheat

PB Hack Release Wallhack Full Colour(Milih Sendiri Warnanya) Updates 18 Sept 2011

Downloads Aplication :
Downloads Password Cheat : 


[-]Chams teroris (Full Warna)>> Pilih Kesukaan kalian Sendiri
[-]CHams Ct      (Full Warna)>> Pilih Kesukaan kalian Sendiri
[-]No Snoke

Hotkeys Hack

[-]-> On Cheat/Plih COlour


[-]Gunakan Dengan BIJAk!!
[-]Dijamin Not Vote Kick 1000%

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Release PB Hack Special Malming Updates 07 Sept 2011

Downloads Cheat PB 
Downloads Password : 


[-]Wallhack Mode ++ Fullhack(Lihat Sendiri karena Ku Sbuk bnget mlem nih)



Supported :

[-]WIndows XP 2
[-]WIndows Xp 3
[-]WIndows 7

Senin, 12 September 2011

Cheat Update Bypass Tallent | Ninja Saga [September 2011]

Tools :

Steps :
  1. Download  Fiddler & SWF
  2. Install Fiddler & Jalankan Fiddler
  3. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  4. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  5. Drag/jatuhkan SWF File ke kolom AutoResponder 
  6. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  7. Clear Cache browser
  8. Pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
  9. Play it!!!
  10. Pergi ke Talent ( jika berhasil maka gambar akan seperti di atas ) 
[*]Tallent bypass (tdk perlu menunggu sampai Lv 5 untuk mengupgrade skill selanjutnya)
[*]Jangan manggunakan skill tallent saat menggunakan cheat ini, karena akan eror (hanya untuk mengupgrade aja)

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Ayodance cheat auto key v6069

autokey:auto on

Indonesia Grand Chase Cheat

First, download Danger Engine 1.0 / Other engine !

Danger Engine help
1. Download the file and save it in a folder
2. Extract using winrar or another program
3. Run DangerEnginev1.exe
4. Click on the ads twice or until the "abrir" or "start" button can be clicked

Damage Up Hack 4 bytes
1. Go in practice with Ronan 1st job
2. Take First Scan in 16256
3. Press "X" to switch skill sets, and use "Divine Blessing"
4. Give Scan Next in 16281
5. Double click the address
5. Freeze it and change the value to 16479 (Higher than that is detected)
Fly/Infinite Jump Hack 4 bytes
1. Select your damage hack address and copy and paste it, so you have two identical addresses
2. Double click the ADDRESS (Not the value) and add +A10
For example: 029CEA16+10A then hit OKAY.
3. Freeze the address and change the value to 20000
4. Press the up arrow key any number of times to use it
Perfect 5 Star Rank Hack 4 bytes
1. Go to trial forest and choose elesis
2. Back attack ONE enemy
3. after the back attack, scan 1
4. Back attack a second enemy, and scan 2
5. Continue this pattern (3 back attacks, scan 3)
6. When one address is left, freeze it to 1500
7. If you get a perfect 5 star rank, it is working
Stage Hack 4 bytes
TriAL toWEr maP

1.go to trial tower then g0 to 2nd floor and scan 1
2.then go to the next floor and next scan 2..
3.then go to the next floor and next scan 3..
4.then on the last floor (BOSS AREA) next Scan 4..
5.get the 2 green and that's the address for stage hack..
(You cannot skip to the boss room, it is detected)
Temporary Lvl Hack/Stats Hack 4 bytes
4 bytes (you can also try 2 bytes if you experience problems)
1. Go to practice mode and select the character u want to hack
2. When in practice mode, scan 75
3. Leave and make a PvP room.
3. Scan your character's level. (if ur lvl 28, scan 28)
4. If you get too many addresses repeat steps 1-3
5. You should get an address, double click it.
6. Change the value of the address to 700

1. From any tab in the server and is within the PVP channel "Free 1"
2. First Scan on 1
3 Now go to your channel and Scan Next in the channel number.

 Numbers of Channels
FREE Class = 1
Beginner Class 1 = 2
Beginner Class 2 = 3
Superior Class 1 = 4
Master Class 1 = 5

4. Return to the Free 1 and Next Scan in just over 1 value of address
5. Freeze (one on one) at 2, until some change the name of your channel  for Beginner 1,or you can freeze in another number of your choice,  provided that the name change of Freedom 1,for what you chose.
6. After the change of name from tab,check the name tab functions and return to the PVP.
7. if the name on the pvp tab change,then you made it work corectly

JUMP STAGE X and Y PORTAL LOCATION (For X and Y axis Hack)

 Gorgoz Dungeon

Gorge of Oath

Gaikoz Castle

Partusay Sea

Temple Of Fire

Lower Katsulle
Lower Path
Upper Path

Battle For Bermesiah
Left Path
Right Path

Xenia Frontier
Left Path
Upper Path

Pet SKill Hack
1. Go into any mission with your pet and his skill equipped (slime,sidt)
2 Wait until the bar is full and look at [Exact Value] [Float] by 1.
3. When the end Scan, press S to use the pet attack, return to GC and Engine you look for [Decreased Value].
4. Go repeating the process until only one address on the value 1.
5. Freeze and enjoy!
Continent Hack 4 bytes

1.Go to World Map then first scan 3
2.Go to Bermesiah Continent then next scan 0
3.Go to World Map again then next scan 3
4.repeat step until you got the address
5.freeze the address to what continent you want to go to

Bermesiah Continent = 0
Ellia Continent = 1
Xenia Continent = 2
World Map = 3
Xenai Frontier Full Map Run

Requirement : Perfect Hack, Stage Hack, Damage Hack

1. Clear Room A and B.. then Enter the portal going Left then Change  your Stage hack Value to 8 and then you will be at Room B again then  enter the portal going Left again.. and then you will be in Room D..

2. Clear all the Room until you get to Room H and enter the portal going  down then Change your Stage Hack value to 5.. then enter the portal  going right and you will be at room F... then enter the portal going  right and change your Stage Hack value to 5 again and you will be on  Room D... then enter the portal going right again then change your Stage  Hack value to 5.. and you will be in room C then take the Portal going  up and you will be in room J...

3. Clear all the room in the upper path and then you will get around 2m+ exp if you have QJ, GC CLUB and Perfect Hack

Release Wallhack + Ammo Global All World Updates 04 Sept 2011 1000000% Work

Cheat download:
Password download:
Fitur : 
[-]WALLHACK>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]CHAMs CT>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]Chams Tero>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]WALLHACK Glasses>>>>  Work to Pb Indo
[-]Ct CHams PH >>>>   Work To Pb Plipina
[-]Tero Chams PH  >>>> Work To PB Pilipina
[-]Ammo Global   >>>>  Work to Pb Indo & Pilipina

Hotkeys :
Arah Panah Kanan(->) =On
Arah Panah Kiri(<-)    = Off
Ammo global               = CAPSLOCK

Credit : Ikiscreame
Thanks to  All Team Elite Nigmare

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

cheat PF ayodance v ICADGODLIKE.NET

cara mengunakan:
2.buka cheatnya
3.login to ayodance
4.click hotkeynya

link download: http://www.kastilfile.com/download.php?file=641990

Release Ammo Global [Ammo k2+k1+K5+All Awp+All SG+Ak sopmod+Aug+Dual Kriss +D.Kriss batik+Ammop90+Ammo Mp7+Special hack Update 02-03 Sept 2011

 Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads password :

Fitur/Hotkeys :
[-]Ammo k2,k1,k5+dll : Klik Kiri + Klik kanan (jangn keseringan,saat pelru mau habis Saja)
[-]Ammo SG+ALl Awp   : Klik Kanan Dlu tahan + Klik Kiri tekan bersamaan

[-]Sepcial Cheat     : F1 On ,F2 OFf

NB :

Settingan PB nya harus Default/Sperti pertama kalian Buat PB,
Q=Quick Chage
Klik Kanan = mengncar musuh,,
Agar AAMmo nya Work,,,

Credit Sonya
StefanMasterCheat © 2008 Template by: